Friday, January 18, 2013

True Journalism is Dead

True Journalism is dead.
Gone with the days of Superman and Loise Lane.

So while we have a cup of tea
Let's talk about the history
We're writing for our children, please!
Because we create our own realities.
What we make it into, the world will be.
And standing together for equality
Me and you and the Chief.

The land I grew up on happens to be
One of wild and pristine beauty
Mountains, lakes, trees, clean air,
Everywhere I looked, wilderness there.
Now there are people who just want to hurt
The land. What is it worth?

Laid barren the forests, oil the lure.
The soil, our true resource, our food and future
Gets blown away with the wind in the dust
For money and greed and their powerlust.

And the Chief, who was the one with the heart
To stand up and say we will not take part
The one to take a stand
To say I will not sell my people's land
Out from under them
For my own greed
And luxury.

Then those with luxury struck back
Just a venomous attack
To say that she had wasted funds
And that her cause had come undone.

A pit of vipers at the foot of her tee pee,
She sips on nothing but fish broth and herbal tea,
And stands her ground majestically.
The people's humble Chief.

The people, in their hearts, they know
The land is our future, our only hope.
Without our soil, nothing will grow
And with the trees, wildlife goes.

The Chief and the others are doing what's right
Through non-violent protest they shed the light
Protecting the land and resources we've got
If you think, what can I do? The answer's a lot!
So, I don't beg or plead, but I implore,
That together we IDLE NO MORE.