Monday, December 10, 2012

Dreams and Reality

What do these dreams mean?
Visions seeing through time.
In my head, whispers pound
about days gone by.
They show eternity in an instant.

Shay Sampson, 2003. 

Eagle is sick today, poor little guy.  He's throwing up.  His little 14 month old body coming up with nothing but breast milk.  In between nursing him, catching his throw up, and rubbing his back as he drifted off in my arms, I wrote this:

Innocent until proven guitlty
Is a human right all people have.
If anyone has an accusation,
The accused has the right to a fair trial.

Meaning, in the case of drone warfare,
The president does not have the right
To put someone on the hit list and kill them
Without giving them the opportunity to defend themselves

When at all possible, violence should be avoided,
and unless a violent act can be justified in a court of law,
The perpetrator of violence should have to stand trial.

Seems a strange thing to be writing while nursing a sick baby, but I got a bit of drawing done today too.  Baby duties take over, and I'll most likely be holding him the rest of the night.  Making dinner for the kids, and watching Brian get things done towards the project.  Something great, we hope will be done by the end of the week.

If you want to learn more about drone warfare, what is going on, and how innocent people are being killed, their murderers never brought to justice, here is a link to a video of a speech about drone warfare.  It is worth a watch to stay aware of what's happening in the world around you.

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